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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 21st March 2025

Dear Parents, Carers & Families,

It has been a busy time across the school. Parents were invited to join our Nursery and Reception children for Stay and Play Sessions this week. These sessions provide parents with an opportunity to observe, engage and enjoy their children as they learn through their play. With a Mother’s Day theme, the children were able to make yummy iced biscuits for their mums, nans, loved ones and themselves. The children made crowns and sang a song called, ‘I Love Mummy.’ The children also spent some time in their own environment inside and outside. Some children played with the basketball, some with the scooters and other children enjoyed the water tray as the weather was glorious. Mrs Maskell and the Early Years Team were delighted to have so many parents join them - Thank you for coming along!

Early Years Foundation Stage Stay and Play

Thank you to Mrs Maskell and the Early Years Team for organising this! Well done to our super children for making this day very special!

Elsewhere in the school, our students have been completing English and Maths assessment tests. These tests enable us to gauge the progress that the students have made. Everywhere has been very calm and we have noticed how hard all of our children have been working. Well done to all!

Week on week, we will continue to share the learning experiences of other year groups.

The Parent Teacher Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26th March at 18:00 to which you are all welcome. There are some changes afoot that you may be interested in. 

Thank you to those of you have expressed an interest in working with us as part of the the Parent / Carer / School Consultation Group. We plan to hold our first meeting at school on Tuesday 22nd April at 16:30. If you have not got round to registering your interest in joining us, it's not to late. Please click HERE and express your interest.

Have a lovely week everyone.

Best wishes,

Angela Carpenter



The foundations of learning are laid in the Primary years of schooling and so Whitehill Primary School is committed to making sure that our children do not miss out on the education and care that we offer. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be happy, successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them now and in the future.

Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils and we use a variety of rewards and incentives to promote good attendance and punctuality. Awards are group focused rather than given to individuals as we recognise that our students cannot help being absent for medical reasons. 

This week, the class with the best attendance is Sapphire Class. Well done Sapphire Class! Keep up the good work!

Key Events

term 4 onwards events.pdf

230924 term dates 2024 25 .pdf

 Safeguarding for Parents
