Weekly Bulletin: Friday 7th March 2025
Dear Parents, Carers & Families,
Year 2’s writing this week was inspired by Harold Munro’s poem, ‘Overheard on a Saltmarsh.’ We are extremely impressed with the quality of thinking that this poem stimulated. Below you can read some of the amazing writing that resulted from Year 2 discussions. We think that you would agree that our Year 2 students are pretty fantastic writers.
Year 2 - Writing Inspired by 'Overheard on a Saltmarsh
Year 2 also had their first Forest School Session this week. They had an excellent time making their own scarecrows. Mrs Gardner was impressed with the students' ability to work together. Well done Year 2!
Year 2 Scarecrows Built in Forest School
Week on week, we will continue to share the learning experiences of other year groups.
World Book Day - 2025
We had a great deal of excitement this Thursday with it being World Book Day. There were colourful and imaginative costumes everywhere. It felt like everyone in the school had been transported into an actual story book. It was great to see so many of the staff and children dressed up as their favourite book characters. We had many debates about what makes a good story and why children had chosen to be the character that they had. We are certain that lots of fond memories were formed today. Thank parents and carers for your support with this!
It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers attend our consultation evenings this week. We hope that you found the meetings useful and informative. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any queries stemming from the meetings or if you were unable to attend and would like an update on your child’s progress.
We can now officially announce that Whitehill Primary School and Nursery are part of the Aletheia Academies Trust. Becoming part of the Aletheia family of schools is a welcome move. It is an exciting prospect. We have no doubt that our partnership with the Aletheia Academies Trust will strengthen and enhance both the educational and pastoral opportunities that we offer our children and community.
Last week we had some more interest shown in joining our parent / carer / school consultation group. Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete the form and who offered their help. It’s still not too late to register your interest in this group. If you are interested and able, please click HERE and express your interest. To those who have already registered your interest, we will be in touch in due course.
Have a lovely week everyone.
Best wishes,
Angela Carpenter
The foundations of learning are laid in the Primary years of schooling and so Whitehill Primary School is committed to making sure that our children do not miss out on the education and care that we offer. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be happy, successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them now and in the future.
Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils and we use a variety of rewards and incentives to promote good attendance and punctuality. Awards are group focused rather than given to individuals as we recognise that our students cannot help being absent for medical reasons.
Below, you can see this week's attendance data. The stars indicate the year groups who were awarded 5 minutes extra Green Time for topping everyone else's attendance:
Key Events
230924 term dates 2024 25 .pdf
Safeguarding for Parents
using technology to boost reading skills.pdf