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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 13th September 2024

Dear Parents, Carers & Families,

This week the children continue to make excellent progress with settling in. Routines are becoming firmly established, expectations have increased and so has the pace of learning. The children appear to be taking things in their stride, taking pride in their work and getting the presentation within their books to a good standard. We have seen some carefully considered and beautifully set out work. It has been lovely to see so many of our pupils being sent to receive Headteacher rewards - Well done and keep up the good work!


We really hope that all of our children are enjoying school and feeling as settled as they appear. If there are any wobbles or concerns, please make sure that you raise them and seek support from the Class Teacher.


We are particularly proud of our year 6 students who approached Thursday's Kent Tests with positivity and maturity. Whether they were sitting the actual tests or having a very different day out of class, all deserve recognition and praise. Well done!


It has been an especially exciting week for our year 5 learners as this week, they had their first ukulele lesson with Mr Ball. Mr Ball was impressed with how well everyone listened and joined in. We all look forward to hearing the progress made here - it won’t be long before year 5 are playing a delightful medley of tunes.

Year 5 Ukulele Lessons


Today, in assembly, we reminded our students of the good work that our Peer Mentors do. Each was applauded for their efforts and were given bibs to wear. It was one of our Peer Mentor's ideas to have bibs. They recognised that not all of our children would remember who they could go to for support and so wrote a letter asking for the bibs. We are delighted by the noble actions of this student. Their actions truly epitomise our values. Well done!

This week, we launched our student council representative elections. Children in years 1 through to 6 can put themselves forward as potential student council representatives. They will need to deliver a short speech to their class; explaining why they would make a great representative. Their peers will then have the opportunity to elect a representative.


In the future weeks, there will be further opportunities where our pupils can volunteer and get involved with shaping life at Whitehill. We will be looking for School Ambassadors, Librarians and Environmental Champions.

Have a lovely week everyone.  

Best wishes,

Angela Carpenter



Key Dates:

We have a great deal planned for the year ahead, much of which we would love for you to be involved in. Please make a note of the dates below:
